Making our way to Fiji - first stop, San Francisco, CA

Since my last retreat on Naitauba, I have been preparing to go back for a longer stay. My heart is yearning to be on that Island again and to be of service to one of the most beautiful and powerful spots on earth.


My husband, Bruce, who also went on a meditation retreat last November shares the feeling I have and it has been a dream of him to be able to go on a long term retreat on Naitauba.


So, Bruce and I are taking off to San Francisco to visit my step-daughter and her adorable son for a few days before traveling to Fiji.



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If the Heart Finds Me, The Heart Devotionally Recognizes Me (Inherently), and all the body-mind Devotionally Responds To Me (Immediately).


Therefore, Your Heart Must Decide - Whether To Raise a Fist and Throw a Rock At the ego-Crushing Natural Universe, Or To Make A Flower Grow In The Garden Of Indestructible Light.


 --- Adi Da Samraj